Tell Hochul To Support Aged-Out Foster Children

Tell Governor Hochul to Sign the Safe Landings Act into Law
Life can be difficult for older youth leaving foster care. While social service agencies are required to ensure that these youth are equipped to live independently for the first time, the agencies frequently fail to fully comply with court orders mandating targeted services. As a result, these teens and young adults often find themselves struggling and unprepared for life in the adult world. The worst-case scenario is that they find themselves homeless without a safety net. Safe Landings is designed to prevent this from happening.
Research shows that former foster youth are at a higher risk of homelessness, legal issues, and health problems. New York State has the opportunity to change this by enacting the Safe Landings act which would ensure that agencies comply with orders intended to help youth transition to adulthood, such as assisting them in securing appropriate housing, employment, education and a driver’s license. This act would extend the Family Court’s jurisdiction so that youth are able to seek enforcement of orders that were issued before they left foster care, mitigating risks and supporting these young adults in becoming self-sufficient.
Join us in telling Governor Hochul that we want more support for youth aging out of care to ensure their wellbeing!